Unusual Home Cleaning Methods: Kool Aid, Coke, Freeze it… By Kevin Hall

It’s fun to learn new and exciting ways to do the everyday chores in our lives, it simply makes things more interesting. With home cleaning, many people have no idea that there are a variety of inexpensive, wacky alternatives to house cleaning, whether it’s cleaning the dishwasher, keeping your jeans healthy, or removing a horrible stain from your upholstery or carpet. If you find you don’t have the usual cleaning supply, many of these out of the box cleaning methods uses things that are probably already the home.

Cleaning With Kool Aid

Cleaning the dishwasher will never be the same after you’ve cleaned it with a pack of Kool Aid Lemonade drink mix. It’s been tried and tested, if you pour this tasty powder in your dishwasher, the ingredients used in the mix will clean the lime deposits and iron stains from your dish washing bin.

Even though we normally guzzle this mixture down, you should make sure your dishwasher is free of dishes when give it a spin. And be sure not to use the Ruby Rasberry or Green Apple packets as Lemonade is the only flavor that will get the job done because of the citric acid in the mixture.

The citric acid mixture also works on toilets! Who would’ve thought Kool Aid could be a cleaning aid? All you need to do is sprinkle a package of flavor in the bowl before you going to bed, swish it around with your handy toilet bowl brush, and let the mixture sit over night. These insane methods are considered Eco-friendly, just in case the dog has an occasional drink from the toilet.

Doing Dishes With Coca-Cola

Do you hate scrubbing burnt pots and pans for what seems like for ever for some? Then a fun and off the wall remedy, for getting rid of those annoying stains pour some tasty Coca-Cola into your pan and heat it until it reaches a boil. Then, with a cleaning brush, after it cools down of course, scrub the pan and watch the food come right off. Cokes strong acids will clean the pan but won’t damage those non stick surfaces you paid extra for.

Freezing The Laundry

If you count doing the laundry as apart of home cleaning then this will peak your interest. Apparently, washing your jeans has become quite taboo, and freezing them has become the up a viable alternative. Store clerks in the know have began to pass the word around that if want to keep the raw denim in your jeans intact, freezing your jeans is a proven method. Fold your jeans and place them in a bag, sealing the bag and then put them in a freezer for a week or so, and when you take them out, they’ll feel new. This remedy won’t get rid of ketchup stains, but it will kill the living organisms and create a crisp and clean feeling.

These crazy cleaning methods may be shocking for most, and there are many more out of the box remedies all over the web as people find new ways to do basic household chores pretty frequently. So, if you happen to run out of the usual boring items, try using some coke to clean those pots and pans, the results will surprise you every time.

– Kevin Hall writes for Housekeeping.org. He specializes on topics related to housekeeping and alike stuffs.