Diana Darby – Summer, By Pat Thomas

Diana Darby grew up in Texas, went to film school in Los Angeles and has been living in Nashville for years – yet, if you were to sit down and talk to her for an hour, you’d swear to god that she was born and raised in Manhattan. She’s got the piss and vinegar of a New Yorker – and looks like Patti Smith’s kid sister. Yet, her music is something else entirely, it contains none of the clichés of any of the places she’s lived, its geographic structure can’t be pinned down and her vocal delivery is a far cry from her ‘in person’ persona. What you do get when you listen, is an incredible honey drenched voice, and intense songs that call out for repeated listens. This is an old song, but the brand new album I V (intravenous) out on Delmore Recordings is equally as captivating.

Pat Thomas is the author of the recently released work, Listen, Whitey! The Sights and Sounds of Black Power 1965-1975