Prog Rock Mugs, Part Deux!‏ By Tom Kipp

I suppose this was inevitable, as the follow-up to my initial missive re: porcelain Prog Rock mugs from the Burning Shed mail-order conglomerate:




A FLYING TEAPOT teapot, har har! (Alongside its companion mug.)


And a ton more muggage, including a few of our own special faves. How’s this for a Cultic Pantheon Firm—Sandy Denny, Sly Stone & Iggy Pop! LOL (Still love that printed handle action!)




And howzabout this dubiously humorous atrocity?




Or its irresistible psychedelic companions: THE PSYCHEDELIC SOUNDS OF THE 13TH FLOOR ELEVATORS, Miles Davis’ BITCHES BREW! (Perfect for post-hipster couplings in East Portland, or anywhere rents are sufficiently cheap.)




By the by, I count TEN Jethro Tull offerings amidst the latest Burning Shed pre-order, and an initial two from The Dead. How will I resist?!




        Tom Kipp