Eighteen Individual Eyes – Four Poses

Unovae Nights, the long-awaited album from Eighteen Individual Eyes is out now. EPB contributor Matt Brown expresses his love for EIE and their new record in this way: “I loved this band before they even existed outside my imagination. It’s breathtaking to finally hear them recorded with the right amount of punch-to-the-face. The idea of Jamie Henkensiefken playing music with members of the Hungry Pines was exciting to me as a local music fan circa 2008, and the new record is just as exciting as I’d hoped it would be.”

This Seattle firebrand rock band will be shooting a video for their next single, “Strawberry Cemetery,” in mid-March and hope to release it by the time they play at the Tractor on 4/12 (with other Rain City love-cats Tomten). Until then the EIE is offering, “Four Poses,” a new song, to you.

New hi-res photos, updated bio, and more unexpected sweetness at the band’s website here:
