Someone’s Little Pony Found Wandering in East Portland

A runaway pony was reunited with its owners Thursday after police responded to an early morning report of a Shetland pony wandering near SE 144th Avenue and SE Yamhill Street in East Portland. For the full story with aerial video from the newschopper dispatched to the scene, go here. This reminded some East Portland Blog contributors of their own runaway pony stories:

“Many years ago when I was a teenager, we lived one year in this little dinky town in the middle of OH. Late one night my younger sister and I kept hearing a pony whinny outside. We’d go and tell our mom and she wouldn’t believe us. She’d get up and listen and nothing would happen. Then she’d go to bed and Heather and I would hear it again. Again we got our mom up who insisted we were trying to pull a prank on her. Eventually she did hear the pony and we went outside to investigate and sure enough, there was a stray pony outside. We contacted the local police and the pony was reunited with its owner.”

Holly Homan

“Years ago when I lived in Central California, the escaped animal was a zebra. The local paper printed an article reassuring people that they weren’t imagining things. The zebra was returned to Hearst castle.”

– Kathi Taylor