Steve Lillywhite is Almost Knighted – Marshall Crenshaw – Whenever You’re on My Mind – Monday Morning Rock, By Tom Kipp

Famed British record producer Steve Lillywhite was named a Commander of the British Empire (CBE) today by the Queen of England in her annual New Year’s list of honorees. A Knighthood is one step ABOVE the estimable CBE designation, with OBE & MBE below CBE. I could be wrong, but that’s my recollection…

The tunes below, “Whenever You’re on My Mind” and “Monday Morning Rock,” are from Lillywhite’s masterpiece album/production job, Marshall Crenshaw’s much-derided, utterly-sublime FIELD DAY. Now THAT was a (power) pop drum sound even Phil Spector never dreamt! And this side of Big Star, no power popper ever beat it for the length of a full LP…

Tom Kipp