Tilly And The Wall Come Back Please, We Love You, By Mike Hughes

This lot have been away far too long and I really miss them, for the fact that they were about nothing but joy. This song in particular, ‘The Freest Man,’ is very much a pop tune but just plays to a great concept of absolutely doing your own thing. It can mean a lot to you if you let it. If you love this, look out the CSS/Tilly joint DVD, which offers much loveliness to behold. This is the last band (before last week anyway) that I drove all the way to Leeds to see. On that occasion, there was a big nasty crash on the motorway but the gods saw me through and I got there just in time for them to go on stage… Here’s what I wrote at the time which now just seems sooooo understated. This is one brilliant band. http://catshoegazing.blogspot.com/2008/10/tilly-and-wall-leeds-cockpit-friday-oct.html

Mike Hughes

