Ditch Litter – Briefly Pretend

Ditch Litter is the alter-ego of Casey Fictum, a drummer living in Omaha, Nebraska and Oakland, California. The band’s catalog consists of indie pop tracks and a genre they call “demo-core” (tracks done in one take with cheap recording equipment). Omaha, a city with a rich and successful music history, hasn’t produced a global hit in more than a decade – Ditch Litter is out to change that so the city of Omaha can find a new groove in the music space that attracts a different kind of sound to the city.

Briefly Pretend’s production takes listeners back to late 80s R&B throughout the versus, transitions into 90s alternative pop for the chorus, and ends with a modern dance floor outro. The blend results in an enjoyable indie pop track for nearly every generation of listener. The lyrics also share a universally relatable story of push and pull between two people: one living in dreamland making up fictitious stories about themselves, the other content with a normal and simple existence.

Social Media: Instagram
Track Link: All Platforms