It’s official, the suburban caucasian family rap video parody movement has jumped the shark

1) We don’t care how you roll, and 2) you don’t roll so much as you accrete.

It’s official, the suburban caucasian family rap video parody movement has jumped the shark. Fonzie roared over the tank during the first few seconds of this big budget Toyota “Swagger Wagon” commercial (above) which isn’t embarrassingly bad so much as it’s plodding, unfunny and unforgivably predictable. (Remember the shark pass over doesn’t mean the end of the concept, only the beginning of the decline. We’ll see a good number of successively less funny parodic misfires in the near future. The metaphorical Leather Tuscadero must appear in her jumpsuit and play bass, then parallel Ron Howard must lose his hair and go off to direct “Splash” before the credits roll on pasty-faced, exurban ma and pa, ha ha hip hop for the last time.)

A while back some hipster Christian comedians from Tulsa churned out a much funnier family values vid called, “Dad Life” (below). Watch it yourself, and enjoy. The good folks at Toyota should hire the dad lifers for their next ad campaign. I’ve enjoyed the rhymes up in here, up in this ditty, so much that for the last week I’ve been arrhythmically chanting, trying to rap out the catchy dad lifer line, “hydrangeas, begonias, crepe myrtle….. ORNAMENTAL TURTLE.” This has confused my poor wife to no end.