Why is the United States Now Arming Al-Qaeda? By Mark Erickson

syriaIn April 2013, The White House accused Syrian President Bashar Assad’s shi’ite forces of using sarin gas, a deadly nerve agent banned by international treaty, on a “small scale” against rebel sunni factions. Russia denounced the allegation of sarin gas use, calling the evidence “unconvincing.” Retired Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell’s former chief of staff and senior Bush official, also questioned the White House’s claim during an interview on Current TV. Col. Wilkerson agreed with the “flimsy evidence” and theorized Israel may have deployed the deadly nerve gas as part of a “false flag” operation. Here’s the interview: http://current.com/shows/the-young-turks/videos/col-lawrence-wilkerson-chemical-weapon-use-in-syria-could-have-been-an-israeli-false-flag-operation Then the White House decided in June to arm the rebel sunni insurgents to aid the toppling of Assad by providing assets and arms to the Supreme Military Council, which is an “umbrella group” of sunni, according to the Chicago Tribune.

Skipping backwards, Osama bin Laden was one of many young sunni fundamentalists who volunteered to go to Afghanistan as part of jihad, a holy war, to repel the Soviet invasion. This predated the existence of al-Queda. When President Bush illegally invaded Iraq, which was controlled by dictator Saddam Hussein, Iraq was secular, i.e., neither shi’ite nor sunni. Since the illegal invasion where Hussein was clearly not an imminent threat to attack the United States, al-Queda cells have emerged in various countries such as Spain and Syria. In fact, al-Queda operatives have been linked to the Madrid train bombings that occurred in March 2004, killing nearly 200 people and wounding many more. The Syrian-based sunni al-Queda cell known as al-Nusra is “the main jihadi group” presently rebelling against President Assad, according to the London Guardian (http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/jul/10/syria-al-nusra-front-jihadi?INTCMP=SRCH).

Does the United States have the appetite for another war in the Middle East? Aren’t we creating more enemies with our meddling? Why is the United States now arming al-Queda, which is most recognized for the atrocities of 9/11?

Mark Erickson