Search Results for: Mark Erickson

The Chicago Cubs are Headed for 100 Losses in Wrigley’s 100th Year, By Mark Erickson

The Chicago Cubs will celebrate the 100th anniversary of playing at Wrigley Field this year! Think of the historic events. Babe Ruth’s “called shot.” Kid K’s breakout game. Harry Caray. The collapse of 1969. Jose Cardenal’s afro. Sutcliffe going 16-1. Andre Dawson’s magical MVP season. Bartman. All of the aforementioned took place without a World …

From Beer to Eternity, Ministry’s Final Release, May Be Band’s Best, By Mark Erickson

According to the liner notes of Black Box, WaxTrax! Records moved from Colorado to a storefront on Chicago’s North Lincoln Avenue in 1978 after being “fueled by the punk revolution.” WaxTrax! issued its second single in 1981, featuring Divine of Pink Flamingos and Polyester fame. Also, in 1981, the record store and recording studio released …

U.S. Should Not Re-Establish Military Bases in the Philippines, by Mark Erickson

During Sunday’s Viking/Bear debacle, the network aired a commercial/PSA that reminded viewers to remember 9/11, honor the troops stationed abroad, and that the United States has troops stationed in 175 countries. Parenthetically, the United States has over 800 bases located throughout the world. In today’s Wall Street Journal, Andrew Browne wrote an article about China …

Why is the United States Now Arming Al-Qaeda? By Mark Erickson

In April 2013, The White House accused Syrian President Bashar Assad’s shi’ite forces of using sarin gas, a deadly nerve agent banned by international treaty, on a “small scale” against rebel sunni factions. Russia denounced the allegation of sarin gas use, calling the evidence “unconvincing.” Retired Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Colin Powell’s former chief of staff …

Some Iraq War Questions Still Unanswered a Decade Later, By Mark Erickson

In the months before the United States invaded Iraq on March 19, 2003, leaders of the Bush (#43) regime, i.e., National Security Advisor Condoleeza Rice, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, and Vice President Dick Cheney, made statements to various organizations such as the United Nations, Veterans of Foreign Wars, the House+Senate Armed Forces Committees, and …

George W. Bush Was the Worst President in our Lifetime, By Mark Erickson

In this latest installment, you will learn that George W. Bush was the worst president in our lifetime. Earlier this month the European Court of Human Rights found the CIA guilty of torturing a German citizen, Khaled el Masri. Allegations included kidnapping him in Macedonia, covertly transferring him via extraordinary rendition to an Afghan detention …

Arthur Herman, of American Enterprise Institute, Revives Defense Industry Debate, By Mark Erickson

In a recent Wall Street Journal, an opinion piece written by Arthur Herman, who is identified only as the author* of a book titled, Freedom’s Forge: How American Business Produced Victory in World War II, focused on the (alleged) aging weaponry used by the military. Mr. Herman lauds the free market in contrast to “layers …

Lax Army Oversight of Bradley Manning: How Did a Mere Private Gain Access to Highly Classified Information? By Mark Erickson

Army Private Bradley Manning has been charged with aiding the enemy, transmitting defense information in violation of the Espionage Act and more than 20 other crimes. He could face life in a military prison. I viewed three of the files he is accused of illegally transmitting. Two had incident coordinates and basically nothing more in …