Tag Archives: Christianity

Obama’s complicated expressions of belief, and why they matter – by Gregory Sager

From the Huffington Post: Barack Obama: Closeted Non-Believer? by Ali A. Rizvi “Before we get carried away, let’s read our Bibles now,” said the young first-term Senator from Illinois in his speech to Call for Renewal, a liberal Christian group. “Folks haven’t been reading their Bibles!” It was June 2006, and it wasn’t long before …

On Faith and Hope, by Gordon Jack Schultz

Having faith in a person, a spouse perhaps, doesn’t require any specific action from the one in whom you have faith. It is a matter of sheer trust. It is open-ended: My faith in Christine is based not on facts I know about her (though they certainly enter in), but on my relationship with her, my experience with her. Faith in her doesn’t require her to do something, as in “I have faith that she will win the race.” It just requires her to be her. Faith in a person is trusting the character of the person. And that comes from relationship–shared experience over time.