Tag Archives: Barack Obama

Wailing and Lamentation… or Sigh – Hard-Hitting Polical Analysis, By Lawrence Spaulding

Here we go again. Cue: The left commentariet decrying the sell-out Democratic President and Congress for negotiating and supporting legislation that no good progressive would get near. Cue: The right commentariet bewails the Republican Congressional leadership for giving in to Pres Obama, the Keyser Soze of American politics. It is probably of little value to …

Will Progressives Treat BHO Better than Conservatives Treated GHWB?, by Lawrence Spaulding

So much gets presented as a challenge to President Obama, but his leadership style really asks more of his base and the American people: patience, a sense of history, an understanding of the modest limits of politics and our governing institutions. Obama seems to have these—do we? – Lawrence Spaulding Now, doesn’t that feel better? …

Obama and Palin Share a Milkshake, but why not an energy drink, or at least a Jamba Smoothie with Immunity boost?

Thanks to Colette Moran for the link. The improvised comic prose is East Portland’s alone (Colette would never jest about energy drinks.): . “In Archie, Obama v. Palin – PATRICK GAVIN | POLITICO CLICK Obama is dubbed “The Chicago Kid” while Palin gets named “The Thrilla from Wasilla” on the new Archie covers.” Complete story …

Obama’s complicated expressions of belief, and why they matter – by Gregory Sager

From the Huffington Post: Barack Obama: Closeted Non-Believer? by Ali A. Rizvi “Before we get carried away, let’s read our Bibles now,” said the young first-term Senator from Illinois in his speech to Call for Renewal, a liberal Christian group. “Folks haven’t been reading their Bibles!” It was June 2006, and it wasn’t long before …