Eating From Your Yard Tip: Nasturtiums, by Jill Kuhel

Tuesday eating from your yard tip~nasturtiums add color and a little taste of black pepper to your food. The leaves, flowers and seeds are edible. I have not eaten the seeds, but I have been told you can pickle them to substitute for capers. There is nothing tricky about eating nasturtiums you can eat them raw or cooked added to your salad, mixed in cream cheese, egg dishes or bread to add color and a zest of black pepper. The little lily pad leaves make an easy edible appetizer server. As an example I stuffed the nasturtium flower with chopped sage mixed into quark and placed it on the leave for easy serving. Nasturtiums are an annual which are very easy to grow from seed. Bonus they flower more if grown in poor dirt. If they live in too nice of soil they produce more leaves than flowers. How do you eat nasturtiums?

Jill Kuhel