Jerome Blazé – Lone Pine, by Paul Johnson

jeromeblazeJerome, Jerome, Jerome Blazé. Is that bla-zay? Can’t be, unless you’re the master of some sort of Australian irony. On JB’s (if I may please take such license) title track “Lone Pine,” JB makes a winning case for his art and electronica.

Reviewing music is a little bit like screening resumes. And I almost round-filed this great, awesome, fantastic piece. As I noticed on the Soundcloud track, one listener said he was “vibing” on the opening. It’s possible he has more free time, than say… me. That’s my nature, let’s get down to business, cut the crap already. And cut it you did JB, with nary a second to spare.

What happened next was so holographic in a tonal sense, parabolic, multiplicitous, raging, and out of control it really sent my neurons on an electronica thrill roller coaster. This is music that bacteria would jam to as they went from pathogen to plague. The way the sound morphs makes me think that there are a few slides and dials involved, which with use of his hands and feet JB manipulates dramatically and simultaneously.

The effect is fantastic. And the intensity?! It’s a well plotted, graphically dynamic chart that is oxygenated to white hot and then ash. Just amazing.

Jerome Blazé, “Lone Pine,” is a key to a door where perception is expanded. Take a ride.

Paul Johnson

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