Where were you when you first heard about the homecoming? by Claude Iosso

lebronI was at work, preoccupied with the World Cup, not the next destination for King James and his cadre of close friends, the LeBrontourage. I am glad he’s going back to Cleveland and that that poor city has a chance at sports glory, but I realized that I don’t like players deciding where next year’s trophy will go. It is the owners, despicable billionaires, who represent me better.

Until they become discontent with the latest sports palace erected for their team, they are more vested in the city than the players. In this case, Lebron’s caprice improves the chances a have-not city can win, but if it’s up to the players, most of the time only New York, L.A., Texas (low taxes) and Miami have a great shot at championships.

Claude Iosso