Expert Tips for Keeping the Warehouse Loading Dock Secure

Sealey Power Products Warehouse

A proper security plan for a warehouse includes many layers of protection, but one of the most important is securing the loading dock. As the site of deliveries and shipments, the loading dock has a lot of potential to be an unauthorized exit point for product. Whether it’s delivery drivers or employees, the temptation to take merchandise is significant. A well secured loading dock will protect you from loss, and eliminate the temptation for theft in those working in the space.

What does it take to have a well-secured loading dock?

1. A well located manager’s office.

As the most senior employee, your warehouse manager should be your most trustworthy employee in the warehouse. For this reason, it’s best to make sure they can easily keep their eyes on the loading dock, where so much of the action in the warehouse is happening. Make sure to choose the location of their office with this in mind. Can they see the dock when they’re still at the computer? If there’s not a clear line of sight, make sure you create one by using security mirrors in the space, giving them a reflected view of the dock. If everyone knows that the manager has eyes on everything going in and out of the building, your merchandise will be safer.

2. A secure exterior.

Is the area surrounding the warehouse full of other buildings and many people, or is it surrounded by open land? Each will require particular considerations when it comes to securing the area around the loading dock. Whenever possible, the area directly around the dock should be fenced off, so that it’s difficult to gain access to the area without authorization. This authorization could be a security checkpoint with a guard if your operation is large, or for a smaller operation, it could simply be unannounced security checks by a supervisor. Make sure the fence surround the loading dock remains closed as often as is practical.

3. Separate shipping and receiving areas.

Keeping shipping and receiving areas separate isn’t a luxury every warehouse facility has, but wherever possible, it is preferable. Whether it’s a completely separate dock, or just two areas with some physical barrier between them, warehouse organization and safety will benefit from the delineation. Not only does it eliminate confusion for employees trying to correctly process orders, it also limits the amount of space where it’s normal for product to be leaving the building. If you see product leaving through shipping, you know it’s not for an order.

4. Common sense.

Take a look at the loading dock with an outsider’s eye and make sure that things have been organized with common sense in mind. Are you keeping expensive items unattended at the edge of the dock? Is the area disorganized enough that it would be difficult for employees to notice if something has gone missing? Are vehicles other than delivery trucks allowed near the dock? Keeping all employee and visitor parking separate from the dock is a must.

The loading dock in the warehouse is the lifeblood of your business. It’s vital that you make sure to secure it by helping the manger easily keep an eye on it, keeping the exterior area fenced, separating the shipping and receiving areas, and using common sense.

Claire Taylor is a freelance writer and specializes in all types of safety products. If you need extra visibility at your work, check out and the products that can help get rid of unsafe blindspots.